What do we do?

The home ed group meets on Wednesday mornings. We follow forest school principles closely, using the woodland environment to help each person follow their interests and develop at their own pace. Each week children and parents are invited to take part in a variety of activities, designed to interest and challenge. It is always great fun to see where the activity invitations take people.

Benefits of Forest school

Forest school allows learners to develop their resilience, independence, confidence and problem solving in a low stakes arena. By being repeatedly exposed to challenge individuals are able to develop personal skills which will benefit them far beyond the woodland perimeter.

What if my child or I don’t fancy the activity being offered on the day?

It is a very relaxed group, and children and adults are very welcome to just enjoy the woodland and dip in and out of the activities being offered on the day. All we do ask is that equipment is respected (its great to use our imaginations to use the equipment in different ways), everyone follows the safety rules, are kind to one another and don’t disrupt one another’s learning opportunities.


We are very lucky that the forest school home ed group is being supported by North Somerset Council and community learning. Funded spaces are available for North Somerset residents. In the case of oversubscription priority for spaces will be given to families who may be facing financial challenges, have few/ no formal qualifications or whom are struggling for any other reason.