0605, 2021 Clove hitches, lashing, teddy bear dens, games, fire, story, songs, biscuits and marshmallows. / May 6, 2021/ Facebook Updates
0405, 2021 Today was all about teamwork at Goblin Combe, putting up tarpaulins, lighting fires and boiling water over a flame using a disposable cup. / May 4, 2021/ Facebook Updates
2704, 2021 What a lovely day in the woodland with the current fab community learning group. / April 27, 2021/ Facebook Updates
2304, 2021 Another wonderful day in the woods with the little Goblins. / April 23, 2021/ Facebook Updates
2004, 2021 Today marked the start of the summer term here at Goblin Combe Adventures, we had a wonderful day exploring the woodland, learning about trees, plants and animals, making a fire and cooking wild bread! / April 20, 2021/ Facebook Updates
2903, 2021 What a lovely morning to be back in the woods with a parent and child group. / March 29, 2021/ Facebook Updates
2603, 2021 If you are a North Somerset resident who is currently not in work, and/or in receipt of means tested benefits and/or with few formal qualifications (equivalent to 5 GCSE’s A*-C) and would like to enjoy a woodland adventure each Monday with your baby, toddler or pre schooler then please do get in touch. / March 26, 2021/ Facebook Updates